Windows 10 : How to switch from VGA to HDMI on the same PC

On a windows 10 computer, sometimes you have an HDMI port and a VGA port. Normally, you only have 1 monitor. When you try to plug both ports together, windows guesses you have 2 monitors so when you scroll to the right, the mouse disappears.

Now if you remove the VGA cable you will see a black screen. The secret is the Windows+P key. When you press this button, the system automatically switches to HDMI port. Please note that this step would take around 10 seconds to kick-in.

At first I thought it did not work. But patience is truly a virtue.

Coffee Cup

Teamviewer : Activated the black screen feature but is not working on windows 10

Recently, I have tried to combine both the portable version and the installed version. If you are an IT guy and you need to update a PC on your office mates office remotely, you need to hide what you are doing by clicking the black screen feature.

And as an experiment, I tried to remotely connect to my laptop using the portable version. And as it turns out, it is not working on the client side. It seems that when you activate it on the portable version, the installer for the video card does not kick in thus, people on the client side can see what you are really doing although on the server side (where the IT guys is working, he can see the tick box activated).

In this post I will include the picture on how to activate the black screen on Teamviewer.

Teamviewer Black Screen Opion
Settings that show how to set the black screen on the client side

Laptop : ASUS X455L What does expansion up to 8 GB SDRAM mean?

Right now, I have my laptop ASUSX 455L, under the memory section it says…

DDR3L 1600 MHz SDRAM, 1 x DIMM socket for expansion up to 8 GB SDRAM

The laptop already came with 4GBs of RAM. And I’m guessing you can expand it because i saw youtube video that a guy jut slided a ram chip in the slot.

For the softwares that i run, adding windows update (which i tried to disable for a few times already) on the mixture, it seems to be slowing down. So does this mean I can put 4GB more to make it 8GB or can I put 8GB on the expansion to have 12GB of RAM?

As it turns out, you cannot inject more than 8GB or ram. Comon reasons could be due to chipset limitations or max width of copper traces to the DIMM socket.

So the next move for this one is to get a 4GB ram to add to my current 4GB ram to have a maximum of 8GB which is still at the maximum level.

Hope this helps

Coffee Cup