Laptop : ASUS X455L What does expansion up to 8 GB SDRAM mean?

Right now, I have my laptop ASUSX 455L, under the memory section it says…

DDR3L 1600 MHz SDRAM, 1 x DIMM socket for expansion up to 8 GB SDRAM

The laptop already came with 4GBs of RAM. And I’m guessing you can expand it because i saw youtube video that a guy jut slided a ram chip in the slot.

For the softwares that i run, adding windows update (which i tried to disable for a few times already) on the mixture, it seems to be slowing down. So does this mean I can put 4GB more to make it 8GB or can I put 8GB on the expansion to have 12GB of RAM?

As it turns out, you cannot inject more than 8GB or ram. Comon reasons could be due to chipset limitations or max width of copper traces to the DIMM socket.

So the next move for this one is to get a 4GB ram to add to my current 4GB ram to have a maximum of 8GB which is still at the maximum level.

Hope this helps

Coffee Cup



Delphi : Date and Time Format from ddd-mm-yy to mm/dd/yyyy

i had a case a few weeks back of a problem where the computer needs to have a date format of dd-mmm-yy which in today’s date is 21-Feb-18. What i need is for the program to act the same as it was with the format 02/21/2018.

After digging data, i came across these gems of a find. It’s so short and so obvious, i hope this code can help somebody out


Coffee Cup




CurrencyString, CurrencyFormat, NegCurrFormat, ThousandSeparator,
DecimalSeparator, CurrencyDecimals, DateSeparator, ShortDateFormat,
LongDateFormat, TimeSeparator, TimeAMString, TimePMString,
ShortTimeFormat, LongTimeFormat

//Change COMPUTER date and time
SetLocaleInfo(GetThreadLocale, LOCALE_SSHORTDATE, ‘MM/dd/yyyy’);
SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, 1000, PDWord(Nil)^);

//Change formatting from within the APPLICATION
DateSeparator := ‘/’;
ShortDateFormat := ‘MM/dd/yyyy’;

SetLocaleInfo(DefaultLCID, LOCALE_SSHORTDATE, ‘m/d/yy’) (short form) and
SetLocaleInfo(DefaultLCID, LOCALE_SLONGDATE, ‘mmmm d, yyyy’) (long form)

SetLocaleInfo(GetThreadLocale, LOCALE_SSHORTDATE, ‘MM/dd/yyyy’);
SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, 1000, PDWord(Nil)^);

// Change the display formatting
DateSeparator := ‘/’;
ShortDateFormat := ‘MM/dd/yyyy’;

Borland Database Engine (BDE) Config Disappears

Being a programmer for so many years, i have been accustomed to a adapt to different circumstances and scenarios. Here are my top reasons why Borland Database Engine (BDE) profiles seem to dissapear.

* Windows User Account Control Settings
Now this one is the first one on the list. When you modify the security level from medium to low, this is the first one in my list.

* Deepfreeze Software or Any Software that Restores Back Windows
This one is quite obvious. deepfreeze is a software that when you restart your pc, it reverts back to the way it was. Yeah, who knows, you might be a victim of one.

* Windows 10 Update
Now this one beats the cake. So far, when Windows downloads an update to yur pc, be sure that he meddled with the settings. Well, it’s a bit off topic but my system date and time, Windows keep setting it to automatically update. This feature i usually turn off because i set the time minutes advance.

I created a youtube video to show some pictures of what i mean


Coffee Cup

Hyper Threading to Single Thread

If you are looking for a software that will bridge your delphi application and your interbase application that is freeware, look no further. I found this program while researching since i cannot install delphi during deployment because it needs a serial key. Now, you don’t need to.

Here are the links. Please try only one. They all link to the same file. But just in case one of the links fail, at least you have other options to reach them.



Interbase Server 6.01 IBServer601

If you are looking for a software that will bridge your delphi application and your interbase application that is freeware, look no further. I found this program while researching since i cannot install delphi during deployment because it needs a serial key. Now, you don’t need to.

Here are the links. Please try only one. They all link to the same file. But just in case one of the links fail, at least you have other options to reach them.



Interbase : IB Client Freeware

If you are looking for a software that will bridge your delphi application and your interbase application that is freeware, look no further. I found this IB client program while researching since i cannot install delphi during deployment because it needs a serial key. Now, you don’t need to.

Here are the links. Please try only one. They all link to the same file. But just in case one of the links fail, at least you have other options to reach them.


Delphi : Borland Database Engine (BDE) Freeware

If you are looking for a software that will bridge your delphi application and your interbase application that is freeware, look no further. I found this program while researching since i cannot install delphi during deployment because it needs a serial key. Now, you don’t need to.

Here are the links. Please try only one. They all link to the same file. But just in case one of the links fail, at least you have other options to reach them.


Delphi : Parse or Explode a string based on a parameter field

this is a small code that i put together to convert the date time format of “2017-11-18 08:25” to the date time format that i am using right now which is “11/18/2017 8:25:00 AM”.  For now i will make due with this one and so far it works.


coffee cup



vDATE : TDateTime;
vPOS : Integer;
vList : TStrings;
//convert from 2017-11-18 08:25
//convert to 11/18/2017 8:25:00 AM

vPOS := POS(‘ ‘, edtDATE_ORIG.Text);

edtDATE_CHOP.Text := Trim(Copy(edtDATE_ORIG.Text,1, vPOS));
edtTIME_CHOP.Text := Trim(Copy(edtDATE_ORIG.Text,vPOS + 1, 100));

vList := TStringList.Create;
ExtractStrings([‘-‘], [], PChar(edtDATE_CHOP.Text), vList);

edtYEAR.Text := vList.Strings[0];
edtMONTH.Text := vList.Strings[1];
edtDAY.Text := vList.Strings[2];

//year, month, day
edtDATE_CURR.Text := edtMONTH.Text + ‘/’ + edtDAY.Text + ‘/’ + edtYEAR.Text;
vDATE := StrToDateTime(edtDATE_CURR.Text + ‘ ‘ + edtTIME_CHOP.Text);
edtDATETIME.Text := DateTimeToStr(vDATE);


Windows 10, 8, 7 : alt+printscreen does not work. Solved

after i experienced this, windows 10 just updated again (after I disabled it) i had doubts if windows managed to disable this one. i tried to look at a lot of blogs and forums but so far, a lot of them suggested changing the keyboard. funny for me, i am using a laptop.

then it just hit me. i just downloaded software for screen capture and it downed on me that the software might be catching the keystrokes such as the alt+printscreen. when i closed the app, the alt+printscreen now works.

i just solved my own dilemma. hope somebody learns from this.


coffee cup