GFIX — Firebird Administration

GFIX is Firebird’s command line tool for administration issues like data repair, sweeping, etc.

General Syntax

gfix [options] -user <username> -password <password> <database> [options]
-user <username>Database user name
-pas[sword] <password>Database password
-fet[ch_password] <filename>Instead of -password: Fetch password from the file so it is not visible in the command line. When <filename> is stdin, the user will be prompted for the password. [Firebird 2.5]

Database Shutdown

When a database has been shut down, only SYSDBA and the database owner are able to connect to the database in order to perform administrative tasks.


-at[tach] <seconds>Used with the -shut option. Waits <seconds> seconds for all current connections to end. If after <seconds> seconds there are still connections open, the shutdown will be cancelled and return an error.
-f[orce] <seconds>Used with the -shut option. Waits <seconds> seconds for all connections and transactions to end. After this time, all connections and transactions are cancelled and the database is shut down. Use with caution.
-o[nline]If a -shut operation is pending, it is cancelled. Otherwise, takes a database back online
-sh[ut]Shut down database. Must be used together with -attach, -force or -tran
-shut {normal | multi | single | full}-online {normal | multi | single | full} Firebird 2.0 and later: New shutdown modes:NORMAL: Database is active and online
MULTI: Only connection from SYSDBA and the Database Owner will be allowed (compatible mode with Firebird 1.0/1.5)
SINGLE: Only one SYSDBA or Database Owner connection will be allowed
FULL: Exclusive shutdown: Database is completely offline, no connections will be allowed (it is now possible to access the database file safely on a file basis, e.g. for backups)Use -shut to “go down” the scale of shutting down and -online to “go up” that scale.
-tr[an] <seconds>Used with the -shut option. Waits <seconds> seconds for all running transactions to end. If after <seconds> seconds there are still running transactions, the shutdown will be cancelled.


Shut down database, wait 60 seconds until all connections are closed

gfix -user SYSDBA -password "masterkey" dbserver:/db/mydb.fdb -shut -attach 60

Note that GFIX will terminate with an error if there are still connections open after 60 seconds.

Shut down database, force shutdown after 60 seconds

gfix -user SYSDBA -password masterkey dbserver:/db/mydb.fdb -shut -force 60

Shut down database, force shutdown NOW

gfix -user SYSDBA -password masterkey dbserver:/db/mydb.fdb -shut -force 0

Put database online again

gfix -user SYSDBA -password masterkey dbserver:/db/mydb.fdb -online

Examples for Firebird 2.0

Shut down database to single user mode

gfix -user SYSDBA -password masterkey dbserver:/db/mydb.fdb -shut single -force 60

Put database online again

gfix -user SYSDBA -password masterkey dbserver:/db/mydb.fdb -online normal

Shut down database, force shutdown NOW, allow no subsequent connections, even from SYSDBA or Owner

gfix -user SYSDBA -password masterkey dbserver:/db/mydb.fdb -shut full -force 0

Database Repair, Sweeping


-f[ull]Use with the -v option. Checks all records and pages and releases unassigned record fragments
-h[ousekeeping] 0Switch off automatic sweeping
-h[ousekeeping] <n>Set Sweep Interval to <n> transactions (default is 20000)
-i[gnore]Ignores checksum errors during a validate or sweep
-m[end]Marks corrupt records as unavailable so they are skipped on a subsequent backup
-n[o_update]Use with the -v option. Checks all records and pages and reports errors but does not repair them
-sweepForces an immediate sweep
-v[alidate]Check database for validity. At the same time, errors are reported and repaired


Validate Database

gfix -user SYSDBA -password masterkey dbserver:/db/mydb.fdb -v -f

Sweep Database now

gfix -user SYSDBA -password masterkey dbserver:/db/mydb.fdb -sweep

Set Sweep Interval to 50000 transactions

gfix -user SYSDBA -password masterkey dbserver:/db/mydb.fdb -h 50000

Switch off Automatic Sweeping

gfix -user SYSDBA -password masterkey dbserver:/db/mydb.fdb -h 0



-a[ctivate]Activate Shadow file for database usage
-b[uffers] <pages>Default cache buffers for the database will be set to <pages> pages
-c[ommit] <id>Commits limbo transaction specified by the given <id>
-c[ommit] allCommits all limbo transactions
-l[ist]Display IDs of all limbo transactions and what would happen to each transaction if you would use -t on it
-mo[de] read_writeSet mode of database to read/write (default). Requires exclusive access to database (shutdown)
-mo[de] read_onlySet mode of database to read-only. Requires exclusive access to database (shutdown)
-pa[ssword] <password>Database password
-p[rompt]Use with -l. Prompts for action.
-r[ollback] <id>Rolls back limbo transaction specified by the given <id>
-r[ollback] allRolls back all limbo transactions
-s[ql_dialect] 1Sets SQL dialect 1 for the database
-s[ql_dialect] 3Sets SQL dialect 3 for the database
-t[wo_phase] <id>Performs automated two-phase recovery for limbo transaction with the given <id>
-t[wo_phase] allPerforms automated two-phase recovery for all limbo transactions
-user <name>Database username
-w[rite] syncEnables Forced Writes
-w[rite] asyncDisabled Forced Writes
-zShow GFIX and server version


Set Database to Read-Only

gfix -user SYSDBA -password masterkey dbserver:/db/mydb.fdb -shut -attach 60
gfix -user SYSDBA -password masterkey dbserver:/db/mydb.fdb -shut -force 0
gfix -user SYSDBA -password masterkey dbserver:/db/mydb.fdb -mode read_only
gfix -user SYSDBA -password masterkey dbserver:/db/mydb.fdb -online

Set Database to SQL Dialect 3

gfix -user SYSDBA -password masterkey dbserver:/db/mydb.fdb -sql_dialect 3

Enable Forced Writes

gfix -user SYSDBA -password masterkey dbserver:/db/mydb.fdb -write sync

Disable Forced Writes

gfix -user SYSDBA -password masterkey dbserver:/db/mydb.fdb -write async

Win10 Cannot Connect to Shared Printer

Recently i encountered a problem that doesn’t allow me to add a shared printer. It seems to be new so it might have something to do with the windows update.

Then i found the solutions. Its to add a registry entry. here it is :

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\RpcAuthnLevelPrivacyEnabled to 0

Once you do this you can now continue.


Coffee Cup

Why is my hard disk empty? Working on Microsoft SQL Server project

Recently I have download Microsoft SQL Server for a small interesting project I was working. Then all of a sudden, my hard disk space became 0 in my Drive C.

Puzzled for a few days a encountered a blog post that featured a nifty little software that I will now keep in my software belt.

It shows you the disk size of each folder in your pc. Quite a good find. The name of the software is TreeSize Free version.

For the culprit, the folder is located at :

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Log\Polybase\dump

When I looked at the folder, it came to 91gb.

So just in case you are working on a project in Microsoft SQL Server, be sure that the hard disk space will be close to zero, unless you can clean the dump folder.

Hope it helps

Stay safe guys

Coffee Cup

SB Admin PHP – Fixed Table Header with Scrollable Body

Hi guys,

This question was raised to me recently and it peeked my interest to solve and find out how to do this. After digging around i found 2 working codes for my case.

To explain further my tables are generated dynamically so the column widths and gaps differ by each refresh of the table

There are the 2 options that i found

////////////// OPTION 1 //////////////////////
table tbody { display:block; max-height:450px; overflow-y:scroll; }
table thead, table tbody tr { display:table; width:100%; table-layout:fixed; }

table width=”100%” class=”table table-striped table-hover” id=”dataTables-example”
////////////// OPTION 2 //////////////////////
table {
overflow-y: auto;
height: 10vh;
thead th {
position: sticky;
top: 0;

table width=”100%” class=”table table-striped table-hover” id=”dataTables-example”

Hope this code helps out somebody out there. If you have any questions, just drop me a line.

Coffee Cup

Acer Aspire 3 – Microphone not working

Hi guys, well, that’s not the whole story. Actually while using zoom I disabled the microphone by mistake.

So far after that day, I wasn’t able to use the microphone on my laptop.

Then at last I found a way to fix it. Actually another software that I was using gave me the idea on how.

Hope it helps

Coffee Cup

Error 432. Setup has detected that unInstallShield is in use. Please close unInstallShield and restart setup.

Recently I purchased a new laptop and had tried to install a lot of my legacy software. One of them suddenly popped out a message saying ”
Error 432. Setup has detected that unInstallShield is in use. Please close unInstallShield and restart setup.

  1. You need to be logged in as the computer’s Administrator.
  2. Delete an instance of the file IsUninst.exe from the C:\Windows directory. If the file cannot be deleted, you need to reboot the machine and try again.

I have included a picture to show where the file is located

Hope this helps.

Coffee Cup

How to change table row count in the bootstrap website?

I have been working with bootstrap websites for quite some time and making admin backend pages have been a new experience for me.

Lately the default 10 row table data have a lot of people ask if we can increase it to a certain number other than 10.

Fortunately, I came across the code to grant this request. But we need to go into the source code page to accomplish this.

Inside the HTML page, at the bottom, you will see a script section

We need to add more code to it.

When you refresh the page, you will see that it now starts at 50 rows

That’s just about it.


Coffee Cup

Youtube link is

Automatically Let Google Translate Your Webpage

Let Google translate your webpage

There was a requirement before that the webpage needs to be converted to any language that the guest will be coming from.

So I got digging and found the code that will let Google translate convert it on the fly. Take note that this might need a few web source tinkering.

Here it is :

And the output you will see is :

I’m not sure why I cannot copy and paste code to WordPress for now. I am suspecting that you cannot copy <DIV> statements. But soon I will know why. But for now, a screenshot will do.

Now, of course, there is a downside to using this one. The translation going back from Chinese-to-English for example might not yield the same result. Just be careful if you are using words like Parent’s Portal that might be translated as an intergalactic dimension.

Just to be safe, we can keep it to plain or simple words that google can understand.

As always stay safe

Coffee Cup

You can view the youtube video here :

How to make PowerPoint widescreen to 16:9 or 16:10 to post to YouTube

Hi guys, I’m happy to be back inspired to make my own youtube channel and promoting the sharing of knowledge to those who try to survive in this COVID-19 pandemic.

When you see my first video, the screen on Powerpoint seems to have empty spaces on the left and right side of the screen, so I had to research how to make it look like the DVD player version once I upload it to youtube.

My goal is to use PowerPoint presentations and background music to share what I know and how to solve daily problems in computers.

Here are the steps :

  1. Select the Design tab of the toolbar ribbon.
  2. Select the Slide Size Slide Size icon near the far right end of the toolbar.
  3. Select Standard (4:3 aspect ratio) or Widescreen (16:9) or Custom Slide Size.

Now your excel should look like this one

And for those who are curious on what software I use to convert Powerpoint into Movie is that i use Ppt To Video Convert.

Comment below and let me know there’s anything I can help.

Coffee Cup

Here is my youtube link :

VPN Winscribe Free 10GB per Month

Hi guys,

I have been trying out free VPN and so far Winscribe offers 10GB of bandwidth for its free users. I was able to download and install it on my Win10 PC as well as in my Google Chrome as an extension.

Hopefully, it lasts me for a month. But i doubt. We’ll see how it turns out.

For the promo of 10GB per month, it only starts of as 2GB. To get to 10GB you need to register your email and verify it.

So far what I learned is when you initially open it, Viber would have issues with the PORT monitoring and will jack up your CPU usage to 100%. Once you allow it by disabling the PORT being used, everything goes back to normal in the Task Manager.

So far observing before recommending. We need to make our connections secure especially now with wifi hacking and working-from-home scenarios being prevalent in this COVID-19 epidemic.

I’m still hopeful that we can still come out of this era and once again enjoy the fresh air of beaches and resorts.

Till my next update

Coffee Cup

View my youtube link here :