Delphi Internal Error LA33 and RLink32.dll – Finally Found Out Why [SOLVED]

When doing Delphi App i encounter LA33 and RLink32 error which causes the app to crash during compiling. Sometimes I get away with being able to compile the EXE on some days, but other days, it just won’t do.

 Access violation at address 062B487B in module RLINK32.DLL. Read of address 0C5DOD4A.

I researched and encountered the following solutions

  1. Remove the .res file of your application. This would result in loosing your icon file. So when i do this step, i need to re-attach the icon file again.
  2. Removing the .dcu files from your application. This sometimes work from me but a lot of times, it doesn’t as well.
  3. I had increased the ram of my pc since when i read it, it was a memory problem. So far it sped up my pc but still the problem persists.

I had researched the issue again and found out a very small link that had the same problem as mine that might not exists in a lot of other developers out there. You see, my application is branched out to different companies under the same industry.

Let me explain, so if you have 3 companies buying-and-selling, i would create a single application that is saved 3 times in the same folder. So we have company1.exe, company2.exe and company3.exe.

As it turns out in the project file of the app, when the system uses the word {$R *.res} it tries to read the .res file fo the project. Since i had 3 of them, it made the compiler dizzy which one to choose. So when i erased the .res file before it sort of worked for a while

This is the solution. In the project unit, please change the line to {$R FileName.res} where the FileName is the name of the exe you are creating.

So instead of using {$R *.res} , please write {$R company1.res}

This is the original reply from one of the posts that i found. Thank you Lepe.

This error usually occurs when we save the project 2 times in the same folder with different names, in which case 2 files are created Resource:


I've ever had problems like that, and I solved it like this, although now I test with bds2006 and I don't get any warning .


Coffee Cup

Dephi and Quickreport and you want to close the quickreport after printing [SOLVED]

Hi guys, just wanted to share a quicky solution for an age old problem of closing the quickreport after clicking the print button.

This feature allows the system to record all report generated report by the user without allowing them to reprint the same report again if the preview report is seen on the screen.

There are 2 parts to this solutions. 1 is function that will be called. 2 is the function to be called during the afterprint procedure in the quickreport

part 1 – function

procedure CloseAllReportPreviews;
  i: Integer;
    for i := Screen.FormCount - 1 downto 0 do
    if Screen.Forms[i].ClassName = 'TQRStandardPreview' then
    ShowMessage('Please close all existing reports');

part 2 – afterprint in quickreport

procedure TQuickReport.QuickRepAfterPrint(Sender: TObject);


Coffee Cup

Delphi Quickreport Disabling Load and Save buttons [SOLVED]

A recent client of mine insisted that he wanted the app to remove the load and save button for the quickreports.

After searching for around 2 hours, i found the solution from mr.wu

So thank you mr.wu

Here is the code

another way can solve this problem.
    uses  ...QRPrntr, QRPrev,...
(2)complete the OnPreview method for the QuickRep as following:
procedure TqrpLabelGrader.QuickRep1Preview(Sender: TObject);
  qrStandardPreview: TQRStandardPreview;
  qrStandardPreview:=TQRStandardPreview.CreatePreview(Self, TQRPrinter(Sender));
  qrStandardPreview.SaveReport.Enabled := False;
  qrStandardPreview.LoadReport.Enabled := False;
wu yong


Coffee Cup

ClipboxTab , SmoothSearch , Dexpredict , FreeCounterStat [FIXED]

Recently one of the websites i was handling started to show strange. When you load the main page, and click with any link or part of the website, it redirects to another page outside of the website.

At first i was puzzled what was causing it. I thought the website has been infultrated or hacked. But it seems everything is still intact.

I separated the main page and tried to dismantle it from there. And you know, what i was the cause, it was a php counter that i got into the website. It seems to be in sleep mode until around 3 years later.

Here are some of the links when you get redirected

Now i know you are dying to know the source. And here it is

The website gives out a link that you embed in your website

<div id="sfcybjc22f3ctd27lelnzssl4fl8422sw7h"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="" async></script>
<a href="" title="free hit counter">
<img src="" border="0" title="free hit counter" alt="free hit counter">

The culprit is the first line of the code

<div id="sfcybjc22f3ctd27lelnzssl4fl8422sw7h"></div>

So that’s it. Hope somebody don’t need to learn it the hard way. It’s better you create your own page counter. Either using php & mysql or a txt file to store the current value.

Coffee Cup

Delphi Error – E2151 Could not load RLINK32.DLL

Delphi Error – E2152 Wrong or corrupted version of RLINK32.DLL

  • fatal error saying:
    Internal Error LA30
    Access violation at address 0A3CA3E5 in module ‘RLINK32.DLL’
    Read of address 0C5C01F0

What steps you can do

  • Deleting .dcus and rebuilding all of your packages
  • removed all DCU, and .res files, and rebuilt,
  • third party component packages interfering

I hope you are helped by these suggestions. Drop me a line if you want to ask questions.


Coffee Cup

How to set up my Razer Seiren Mini

Recently i have acquired a Razen Seiren Mini to test voice recording without any background noice and clear crisp quality. Hera are the steps on how to install on your pc.

To set up your Razer Seiren Mini, follow the steps below.

  1. Take the device out of the box and assemble the base.
  2. Fasten it securely to the thread mount of your Razer Seiren Mini.
  3. Connect the microphone to the USB port of your PC using the Micro-USB to USB cable.
  4. Right-click on the sound icon on the system tray of your PC and select “Open Sound settings” and set Razer Seiren Mini as the default Input device.

  1. Open Start > Settings > System > Sound
  2. In the input, select a microphone to see its properties.
  3. In the input volume, please make sure the blue bar adjusts as you speak into the microphone.
  4. If it doesn’t, go to Test your microphone and Start test.


Coffee Cup

Windows 10 100% Disk Usage Problem [FIXED] 


Sometimes you encounter a PC that when you look at the task manager, you go ‘holy cow!’, it’s running on 100% disk usage for a long, long time.

Believe me, that’s quite normal but solvable.

Here are the steps that I did to help bring it down.

1. Press   + R and type devmgmt.msc in the Run, hit Enter key to open Device Manager snap-in.

Device Manager Windows 10

2. In the Device Manager window, expand IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers and right click on Standard SATA AHCI Controller, select Properties.

FIX Windows 10 100 Percent Disk Usage Problem

3. In the property sheet, switch to Driver tab and click Driver Details.

FIX Windows 10 100 Percent Disk Usage Problem

4. If the Driver File Details window shows storahci.sys driver listed there, it means you’re running inbox driver and hence it is possible to disable MSI mode. Click OK.

FIX Windows 10 100 Percent Disk Usage Problem

5. Back on the property sheet, switch to Details tab. Against Property, select Device instance path from drop-down and note down the Value mentioned there.

FIX Windows 10 100 Percent Disk Usage Problem

6. Press  + R and put regedit in Run dialog box to open Registry Editor (if you’re not familiar with Registry Editor, then click here). Click OK.

Windows 10 Registry Editor

7. In the Registry Editor window, navigate to following registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\PCI\<AHCI Controller Value>\Device Parameters\Interrupt Management\MessageSignaledInterruptProperties

Substitute <AHCI Controller Value> we got in step 5.

FIX Windows 10 100 Percent Disk Usage Problem

8. In the right pane of MessageSignaledInterruptProperties key, look for the registry DWORD (REG_DWORD) named MSISupported which should be corresponding to Value 1 as its Data. Double click on the DWORD to modify its value:

FIX Windows 10 100 Percent Disk Usage Problem

9. Finally, set the Value data as 0 and click OK. Close Registry Editor and reboot. After restarting your machine, the 100% disk usage problem should disappear.

Thanks to this link


Coffee Cup

Tips to Free Up RAM or memory on Your Windows 10

Working in the IT industry, i have encountered a lot of people still using old units fitted with Windows 10 software. As expected, it runs a wee tiny bit slower than usual. That’s why these tips are all over the web. Here is my take on freeing up RAM or memory

> Restart Windows 10 after running it for some time
> Disable startup apps in task manager
> Scan for malware using your favourite A/V software
> Adjust virtual memory (caution for non tecky persons)
> Alternative is to install more ram (its getting a bit cheaper nowadays)
> Reduce visual effects (yes it affects also)
> Stop background apps running by toggling YES or NO to programs
> Disable SysMain in the Services App
> Close the unused tabs open in your browser (somehow they are not solving this one > anytime soon)
> Defragment your hard drive (a bit time consuming but effective)
> Disk cleanup (this cleans the junk files in your temp folder)
> Uninstall applications not used anymore

Hope it helps

Coffee Cup

#1005 – Can’t create table ‘xxxxxx’ (errno: 150) [SOLVED]

If you are using xampp and you encounter this message during creation of a table, i have found that a lot of them pertain to the unit used to reference the field. If the master table used INT (11), when you reference it as a foreign key, you also need to use the same unit INT(11) as well.

In my case it was different. You see, i got this message because the table I used as a foreign key is the table ‘item’ whereas originally it was table ‘item_list’.

So just in case you encounter this one and still have problems, it might be the table name.

Learn and move forward

Coffee Cup

PHP Reload Page After 10 Seconds

Here is my take on the question, how to refresh the page after 10 seconds


Coffee Cup

<script type="text/javascript">

  var timeout = setTimeout("location.reload(true);",10000);
  function resetTimeout() {
    timeout = setTimeout("location.reload(true);",10000);