Delphi : Borland Database Engine (BDE) Freeware

If you are looking for a software that will bridge your delphi application and your interbase application that is freeware, look no further. I found this program while researching since i cannot install delphi during deployment because it needs a serial key. Now, you don’t need to.

Here are the links. Please try only one. They all link to the same file. But just in case one of the links fail, at least you have other options to reach them.


Delphi : Parse or Explode a string based on a parameter field

this is a small code that i put together to convert the date time format of “2017-11-18 08:25” to the date time format that i am using right now which is “11/18/2017 8:25:00 AM”.  For now i will make due with this one and so far it works.


coffee cup



vDATE : TDateTime;
vPOS : Integer;
vList : TStrings;
//convert from 2017-11-18 08:25
//convert to 11/18/2017 8:25:00 AM

vPOS := POS(‘ ‘, edtDATE_ORIG.Text);

edtDATE_CHOP.Text := Trim(Copy(edtDATE_ORIG.Text,1, vPOS));
edtTIME_CHOP.Text := Trim(Copy(edtDATE_ORIG.Text,vPOS + 1, 100));

vList := TStringList.Create;
ExtractStrings([‘-‘], [], PChar(edtDATE_CHOP.Text), vList);

edtYEAR.Text := vList.Strings[0];
edtMONTH.Text := vList.Strings[1];
edtDAY.Text := vList.Strings[2];

//year, month, day
edtDATE_CURR.Text := edtMONTH.Text + ‘/’ + edtDAY.Text + ‘/’ + edtYEAR.Text;
vDATE := StrToDateTime(edtDATE_CURR.Text + ‘ ‘ + edtTIME_CHOP.Text);
edtDATETIME.Text := DateTimeToStr(vDATE);


Delphi : How to change the date format on both inside the app and globally

I have encountered an issue the other week of a friend that want the default date be changed to another format inside the app. After digging a few days later i came out with a complete list of local settings you can change while inside the delphi environment. Will be posting the codes here for anyone who has encountered the same issues as i have. Hope this helps somebody out there.


Coffee Cup

CurrencyString, CurrencyFormat, NegCurrFormat, ThousandSeparator,
DecimalSeparator, CurrencyDecimals, DateSeparator, ShortDateFormat,
LongDateFormat, TimeSeparator, TimeAMString, TimePMString,
ShortTimeFormat, LongTimeFormat

//Change COMPUTER date and time
SetLocaleInfo(GetThreadLocale, LOCALE_SSHORTDATE, ‘MM/dd/yyyy’);
SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, 1000, PDWord(Nil)^);

//Change formatting from within the APPLICATION
DateSeparator := ‘/’;
ShortDateFormat := ‘MM/dd/yyyy’;

Delphi : Retrieving various locale information

I got this info from a website that showcases all of the identifiers for each pc. Thought of posting it here also in my blog for future references

Question: How can I determine various locale information using delphi?

Delphi has a function called GetLocaleInfo which you can use to retrieve information such as the system language, currency symbol, number of decimal digits and so forth.

Here is a function that will return locale information based on the parameter “flag” :

function TForm1.GetLocaleInformation(Flag: Integer): String;
pcLCA: Array[0..20] of Char;
if( GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT,Flag,pcLCA,19) pcLCA[0] := #0;
Result := pcLCA;

Example of using the function:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);

“Flag” can take the following values (as seen in Windows.pas):

LOCALE_NOUSEROVERRIDE { do not use user overrides }
LOCALE_USE_CP_ACP { use the system ACP }
LOCALE_ILANGUAGE { language id }
LOCALE_SLANGUAGE { localized name of language }
LOCALE_SENGLANGUAGE { English name of language
LOCALE_SABBREVLANGNAME { abbreviated language name }
LOCALE_SNATIVELANGNAME { native name of language }
LOCALE_ICOUNTRY { country code }
LOCALE_SCOUNTRY { localized name of country }
LOCALE_SENGCOUNTRY { English name of country }
LOCALE_SABBREVCTRYNAME { abbreviated country name }
LOCALE_SNATIVECTRYNAME { native name of country }
LOCALE_IDEFAULTLANGUAGE { default language id }
LOCALE_IDEFAULTCOUNTRY { default country code }
LOCALE_IDEFAULTCODEPAGE { default oem code page }
LOCALE_IDEFAULTANSICODEPAGE { default ansi code page }
LOCALE_IDEFAULTMACCODEPAGE { default mac code page }
LOCALE_SLIST { list item separator }
LOCALE_IMEASURE { 0 = metric, 1 = US }
LOCALE_SDECIMAL { decimal separator }
LOCALE_STHOUSAND { thousand separator }
LOCALE_SGROUPING { digit grouping }
LOCALE_IDIGITS { number of fractional digits }
LOCALE_ILZERO { leading zeros for decimal }
LOCALE_INEGNUMBER { negative number mode }
LOCALE_SNATIVEDIGITS { native ascii 0-9 }
LOCALE_SCURRENCY { local monetary symbol }
LOCALE_SINTLSYMBOL { intl monetary symbol }
LOCALE_SMONDECIMALSEP { monetary decimal separator }
LOCALE_SMONTHOUSANDSEP { monetary thousand separator }
LOCALE_SMONGROUPING { monetary grouping }
LOCALE_ICURRDIGITS { # local monetary digits }
LOCALE_IINTLCURRDIGITS { # intl monetary digits }
LOCALE_ICURRENCY { positive currency mode }
LOCALE_INEGCURR { negative currency mode }
LOCALE_SDATE { date separator }
LOCALE_STIME { time separator }
LOCALE_SSHORTDATE { short date format string }
LOCALE_SLONGDATE { long date format string }
LOCALE_STIMEFORMAT { time format string }
LOCALE_IDATE { short date format ordering }
LOCALE_ILDATE { long date format ordering }
LOCALE_ITIME { time format specifier }
LOCALE_ITIMEMARKPOSN { time marker position }
LOCALE_ICENTURY { century format specifier (short date) }
LOCALE_ITLZERO { leading zeros in time field }
LOCALE_IDAYLZERO { leading zeros in day field (short date) }
LOCALE_IMONLZERO { leading zeros in month field (short date) }
LOCALE_S1159 { AM designator }
LOCALE_S2359 { PM designator }
LOCALE_ICALENDARTYPE { type of calendar specifier }
LOCALE_IOPTIONALCALENDAR { additional calendar types specifier }
LOCALE_IFIRSTDAYOFWEEK { first day of week specifier }
LOCALE_IFIRSTWEEKOFYEAR { first week of year specifier }
LOCALE_SDAYNAME1 { long name for Monday }
LOCALE_SDAYNAME2 { long name for Tuesday }
LOCALE_SDAYNAME3 { long name for Wednesday }
LOCALE_SDAYNAME4 { long name for Thursday }
LOCALE_SDAYNAME5 { long name for Friday }
LOCALE_SDAYNAME6 { long name for Saturday }
LOCALE_SDAYNAME7 { long name for Sunday }
LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME1 { abbreviated name for Monday }
LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME2 { abbreviated name for Tuesday }
LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME3 { abbreviated name for Wednesday }
LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME4 { abbreviated name for Thursday }
LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME5 { abbreviated name for Friday }
LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME6 { abbreviated name for Saturday }
LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME7 { abbreviated name for Sunday }
LOCALE_SMONTHNAME1 { long name for January }
LOCALE_SMONTHNAME2 { long name for February }
LOCALE_SMONTHNAME3 { long name for March }
LOCALE_SMONTHNAME4 { long name for April }
LOCALE_SMONTHNAME5 { long name for May }
LOCALE_SMONTHNAME6 { long name for June }
LOCALE_SMONTHNAME7 { long name for July }
LOCALE_SMONTHNAME8 { long name for August }
LOCALE_SMONTHNAME9 { long name for September }
LOCALE_SMONTHNAME10 { long name for October }
LOCALE_SMONTHNAME11 { long name for November }
LOCALE_SMONTHNAME12 { long name for December }
LOCALE_SMONTHNAME13 { long name for 13th month (if exists) }
LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME1 { abbreviated name for January }
LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME2 { abbreviated name for February }
LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME3 { abbreviated name for March }
LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME4 { abbreviated name for April }
LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME5 { abbreviated name for May }
LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME6 { abbreviated name for June }
LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME7 { abbreviated name for July }
LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME8 { abbreviated name for August }
LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME9 { abbreviated name for September }
LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME10 { abbreviated name for October }
LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME11 { abbreviated name for November }
LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME12 { abbreviated name for December }
LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME13 { abbreviated name for 13th month (if exists) }
LOCALE_SPOSITIVESIGN { positive sign }
LOCALE_SNEGATIVESIGN { negative sign }
LOCALE_IPOSSIGNPOSN { positive sign position }
LOCALE_INEGSIGNPOSN { negative sign position }
LOCALE_IPOSSYMPRECEDES { mon sym precedes pos amt }
LOCALE_IPOSSEPBYSPACE { mon sym sep by space from pos amt }
LOCALE_INEGSYMPRECEDES { mon sym precedes neg amt }
LOCALE_INEGSEPBYSPACE { mon sym sep by space from neg amt }
LOCALE_FONTSIGNATURE { font signature }
LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME { ISO abbreviated language name }
LOCALE_SISO3166CTRYNAME { ISO abbreviated country name }


Delphi : Set system locale information

So far this is what i had dig up on the topic. It made sense to post this one here since i am pretty sure somebody’s also looking for this info. Hehehe


Coffee Cup

procedure SetLocaleInfoSample;
var number, ds, lz;
number := 0.7;

// Remember default number settings

// Log a number using default settings
Log.Message( FloatToStr(number) );

// Log a number using a different decimal separator
Log.Message( FloatToStr(number) );

// Log a number without the leading zero
Log.Message( FloatToStr(number) );

// Restore original settings

The function produces the following output for US English locale:


procedure ChangeShortDate;
var strOldShortDate;
// Get current short date format

if not SetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SSHORTDATE, ‘yyyy/MM/dd’) then
Log.Error(‘Could not change short date format.’);

// Restore original short date format
if not SetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SSHORTDATE, strOldShortDate) then
Log.Error(‘Could not restore original short date format.’);

Interbase Error : Internal gds software consistency check (invalid block type encountered (147))

Interbase Error : Internal gds software consistency check (invalid block type encountered (147))

This is an interbase database issue that had haunted me for quite some time. Its a bit big table with aroun 120 tables and 120 generators. For the storeprocs, i would guess a around 300 plus.

After adding another generator this error occurs. I kept reading about the structure not sound and that the links and triggers are overlapping.

But after around 2 months of tip toeing around, i read an article about page sizes. It mentions of a theory that if it is a massive big project, make the page size bigger. From the start i have been using 1024 page size But after making it into 4096,

So that’s it. Hope it helps people out there with the same issue as mine.

Coffee Cup

What TCP port does InterBase use?

Before it was like clockwork, this port is no mystery to me. But recently, especially today, i had to write it down somethere.

I guess this comes with age.

Magic interbase port is 3050. This must be both in the INCOMING and OUTGOING windows firewall settings.

Coffee Cup

Delphi / Interbase : General SQL Error invalid transaction handle (expecting explicit transaction start)

i have using delphi 6 for quite some time now and it seems that errors of the past still haunt us today.

experiencing this error code when i try to create a duplicate entry of a delivery receipt transaction. one of the suggestions i got was to disable the optimization checkbox in delphi.

after doing this it unfortunately did nothing. so i searched again, it turned out that a lot of people assumed it was a problem with the database.

what i did was to trace, line by line, my code until i reach the StoredProc in question. What i did was to put a try… except outside the storedproc procedure and everything went into place.

hope this article can help somebody in the same pickle jar as me.