Real Estate Income Tips (20201221)

Rental Estate Tips

For those who want to enter the real estate market, I have a few ideas on what to do with it.

  • Townhouses for rent to friends , family and officemates
  • Condo units register it as Air-Bnb
  • Foreclosed properties as flipping
  • Empty lots good for planting , parking and mini stalls
  • Family home with multiple doors for rental income

Things to look out for

  • Titles and down payments. You might need to hire a lawyer
  • Rental price vs competition
  • Loan rates for personal or corporate
  • Tenant contract for house rules
  • Cash flow. Need to know the profit per year and per door
  • Unit profile. Need to know the square foot, when it was made, and how many it has changed hands
  • Debt on the deal. If it is still being paid in the bank and how much interest it is on.
  • Repair cost. This is for carpets, paint, fence, layout
  • Property manager. It can also be a broker who will take care of the property
  • Location. Crime rates, what stores are around, businesses and schools, if there are street lights
  • Banks loan rates, what is the last trade price

Why is my hard disk empty? Working on Microsoft SQL Server project

Recently I have download Microsoft SQL Server for a small interesting project I was working. Then all of a sudden, my hard disk space became 0 in my Drive C.

Puzzled for a few days a encountered a blog post that featured a nifty little software that I will now keep in my software belt.

It shows you the disk size of each folder in your pc. Quite a good find. The name of the software is TreeSize Free version.

For the culprit, the folder is located at :

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Log\Polybase\dump

When I looked at the folder, it came to 91gb.

So just in case you are working on a project in Microsoft SQL Server, be sure that the hard disk space will be close to zero, unless you can clean the dump folder.

Hope it helps

Stay safe guys

Coffee Cup

Delphi 6 – Get Date From and Date To With Number of Days

So far I have recreated this code far more in the 16 years that I have been using Delphi. Just wanted to log it here so that when I need it again, it will be here.

Hope it can also help other people


Coffee Cup

procedure TfrmPassword.BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject);
vWeekDay : String;
//get the first and last day
if (ALMONTH.VALUE <= 11) then
ALFROM.VALUE := StrToDate( ALMONTH.Text + ‘/01/’ + ALYEAR.Text );
ALTO.VALUE := StrToDate( IntToStr(ALMONTH.VALUE + 1) + ‘/01/’ + ALYEAR.Text ) – 1;
ALFROM.VALUE := StrToDate( ’12/01/’ + ALYEAR.Text );
ALTO.VALUE := StrToDate( ’01/01/’ + inttostr(ALYEAR.Value + 1) ) – 1;
//loop the number of days
ALTOTAL.Value := 0;
while (ALDATE.Value <= ALTO.Value) do
vWeekDay := LongDayNames[DayOfWeek(ALDATE.Value)]; if (vWeekDay = 'Sunday') then ALSUN.VALUE := ALSUN.VALUE + 1 else ALTOTAL.Value := ALTOTAL.Value + 1; ALDATE.Value := ALDATE.Value + 1;

Acer Aspire 3 – Microphone not working

Hi guys, well, that’s not the whole story. Actually while using zoom I disabled the microphone by mistake.

So far after that day, I wasn’t able to use the microphone on my laptop.

Then at last I found a way to fix it. Actually another software that I was using gave me the idea on how.

Hope it helps

Coffee Cup

Error 432. Setup has detected that unInstallShield is in use. Please close unInstallShield and restart setup.

Recently I purchased a new laptop and had tried to install a lot of my legacy software. One of them suddenly popped out a message saying ”
Error 432. Setup has detected that unInstallShield is in use. Please close unInstallShield and restart setup.

  1. You need to be logged in as the computer’s Administrator.
  2. Delete an instance of the file IsUninst.exe from the C:\Windows directory. If the file cannot be deleted, you need to reboot the machine and try again.

I have included a picture to show where the file is located

Hope this helps.

Coffee Cup

How to change table row count in the bootstrap website?

I have been working with bootstrap websites for quite some time and making admin backend pages have been a new experience for me.

Lately the default 10 row table data have a lot of people ask if we can increase it to a certain number other than 10.

Fortunately, I came across the code to grant this request. But we need to go into the source code page to accomplish this.

Inside the HTML page, at the bottom, you will see a script section

We need to add more code to it.

When you refresh the page, you will see that it now starts at 50 rows

That’s just about it.


Coffee Cup

Youtube link is

Automatically Let Google Translate Your Webpage

Let Google translate your webpage

There was a requirement before that the webpage needs to be converted to any language that the guest will be coming from.

So I got digging and found the code that will let Google translate convert it on the fly. Take note that this might need a few web source tinkering.

Here it is :

And the output you will see is :

I’m not sure why I cannot copy and paste code to WordPress for now. I am suspecting that you cannot copy <DIV> statements. But soon I will know why. But for now, a screenshot will do.

Now, of course, there is a downside to using this one. The translation going back from Chinese-to-English for example might not yield the same result. Just be careful if you are using words like Parent’s Portal that might be translated as an intergalactic dimension.

Just to be safe, we can keep it to plain or simple words that google can understand.

As always stay safe

Coffee Cup

You can view the youtube video here :

VPN Winscribe Free 10GB per Month

Hi guys,

I have been trying out free VPN and so far Winscribe offers 10GB of bandwidth for its free users. I was able to download and install it on my Win10 PC as well as in my Google Chrome as an extension.

Hopefully, it lasts me for a month. But i doubt. We’ll see how it turns out.

For the promo of 10GB per month, it only starts of as 2GB. To get to 10GB you need to register your email and verify it.

So far what I learned is when you initially open it, Viber would have issues with the PORT monitoring and will jack up your CPU usage to 100%. Once you allow it by disabling the PORT being used, everything goes back to normal in the Task Manager.

So far observing before recommending. We need to make our connections secure especially now with wifi hacking and working-from-home scenarios being prevalent in this COVID-19 epidemic.

I’m still hopeful that we can still come out of this era and once again enjoy the fresh air of beaches and resorts.

Till my next update

Coffee Cup

View my youtube link here :

Windows cannot find “c:\…..\AcroRd32.exe”. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and try again.

This was recently a problem that I encountered and the first thought that came to my mind was to uninstall and re-install acrobat reader.

Try as I might, the error message persisted. Then I tried to look at the shortcut settings and still no answer.

Finally, I found the solution:

1- Close Reader

2- Hold down Windows key and press R on your keyboard, this will bring up Run dialogue box.

3- Type regedit in the run dialogue box and hit Enter, click Yes when User Account Control pop-up appears.

4- Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options, delete the key AcroRd32.exe

5- Relaunch Reader

Note : just in case you are like me who didn’t find the Image File Execution Options, what I did in regedit was to use the ‘Find’ command.

After a few skips, I finally found it. I also removed an additional folder in the registry with the _info extension. True enough, after that, Acrobat reader is now working.

Hope you enjoyed

Coffee Cup

How to access the BIOS Lenovo Z400 model

Hi guys

After trying some time to get this bad boy to work, I tried all of the old tactics from pressing the F8 or F2 or F1 keys. With LENOVO, it takes a little reading to get to the bottom of it. I was planning to format my friend’s laptop PC.

There is a small button at the side near the power cable. You need to turn off the laptop first and then press the button before you turn on the laptop.

Well, that’s it. I was able to get a pic of the side of the laptop. Will post it here for reference. Eventually, before I formatted the laptop, its a good practice to back up the files so that we can return them just the way it was.


Coffee Cup