Microsoft SQL Server Eating Lots of Hard Drive

Microsoft SQL Server Dump Files

I had a case recently about their server that have zero 0 space remaining in their drive C. i have seen this issue before and it involves the dump files collected every time the server is restarted.

The path to the dump files can be “C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Log\Polybase\dump”

Another path is “X:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Log”

Recently i have searched if there was a way to turn it off

Some have version folders

SQL Server 2019C:\Windows\SysWOW64\SQLServerManager15.msc
SQL Server 2017C:\Windows\SysWOW64\SQLServerManager14.msc
SQL Server 2016C:\Windows\SysWOW64\SQLServerManager13.msc
SQL Server 2014C:\Windows\SysWOW64\SQLServerManager12.msc
SQL Server 2012C:\Windows\SysWOW64\SQLServerManager11.msc

net start “SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)”

next i found is the data collector

USE msdb; GO EXEC dbo.sp_syscollector_disable_collector;

Hope this info help out a fellow traveller

Coffee Cup

Business Models Ideas (20210914)

Business Ideas
  • Consulting – price / events / value of knowledge
  • Blogger – collaboration / click per view / online courses
  • Property Management – shove snow / mow loan / doing maintenance / show apartments / get landlord / collect cash
  • Drop shipping – no handling fees / marketing / advertising / list amazon / eBay / manufacturer / send to customer / sell using own brand / online store / market place / Lazada and Shopee
  • Affiliate Marketing – indirect influencer / niche / affiliate / click bait / amazon / follow link / blog or social media / talk makeup put links / clink juncsion
  • Errand / Services – grocery / chores / dry cleaning / super assistant to busy boss / DTI / payroll
  • Online Printing – printed on t-shirt / affordable designer / ambassador / seasonal trend / Feb. lover t-shirt
  • Interior Design – design for clients / consultation
  • Photography – stock photos / decent camera
  • Advertising – newspaper commercials / book or website / put qr code / google ads / seo
  • Free Premium – model certain features are free and certain features are not. Gmail storage limit / WordPress platform with add-in template and plug-ins
  • Subscription – Milkman deliver milk and take the money. Recipe / Nike sign0up / Coffee patrons
  • Transaction – give service / give money

Property Ideas (20210213)

Property Notes

These are suggestions on how to expand and business ideas

Business – bakery , tricycle , egg dealer , barber , coffee , restaurant , fish ball , automotive , organic farming , Korean food , inihaw manok, refilling station

Salary of the people – lifestyle – hobbies – past time

Land – farming , motorcycle terminal, aquaponics, animal farming, tour guides, prepare to stay, scenic spots , food carts , commissary , fiesta , seasonal food (dragon fruit / sili), solar panel, water generation, sell online, prepack food , pigfeed , cooked food

Market – resto, hotels, hospitals, barangay fiesta, party, palengke , weddings , office , carinderya.

7R Theory by Dhaval Bathia

7R Theory

To earn money we have 7 options starting with R. When i first heard this one I was amazed on how simple it is. A lesson worth hearing him in person on Youtube

  1. RATE – This pertains to the selling price of items.
  2. RENUMERATION – This refers to profession such as doctor or lawyer
  3. REPLICATION – Refers to man and machine or automation. the lesser the workforce, the more money the business can save
  4. RENT – This refers to rental income or property appreciation.
  5. ROYALTY – This refers to a product from your talent. It may be a game such as Candy Crush, or a YouTube video and blog
  6. RIGHTS – This refers to franchises, brand and logo
  7. RETURNS – This refers to stock market, gold or silver , properties , interest , dividends and appreciation

7 Truths to become rich. Richest man in Babylon (20201120)

Truths of becoming rich

These are tried and tested rules for the rich and those who want to become one. All of these rules we need to keep near our financial wallets in order to survive. There they are

  1. Start your purpose for wallet fattening – Save 10% from 100% income. So far this is the hardest part and we start with this one. A famous rich person once said, it’s either you increase your income or you shrink to your income.
  2. Control thy expenditures – Budgets are good in these situations. We need to sacrifice today, for our financial situation to improve in the future.
  3. Put each coin to labor – This means to have investments in things that produce more money. A simple example of this is the bank account. But nowadays, people invest in digital investments that give 2% to 3% interest.
  4. Guard thy treasure from loss – The people we lend money must have the power to repay it back. We need security to the risk. We can do this by issuing a collateral.
  5. Make thy dwelling a profitable investment – If you buy a house, make sure you do not overpay for it. As a rule of thumb, you need to provide security and make wifey happy.
  6. Ensure a future income – We also need to plan for the future. Invest or become a money lender. That is called leverage. It can also give protection to the family.
  7. Increase they ability to learn – Cultivate skills and build confidence in yourself. Learn from the masters you want to reach.

Real Estate Income Tips (20201221)

Rental Estate Tips

For those who want to enter the real estate market, I have a few ideas on what to do with it.

  • Townhouses for rent to friends , family and officemates
  • Condo units register it as Air-Bnb
  • Foreclosed properties as flipping
  • Empty lots good for planting , parking and mini stalls
  • Family home with multiple doors for rental income

Things to look out for

  • Titles and down payments. You might need to hire a lawyer
  • Rental price vs competition
  • Loan rates for personal or corporate
  • Tenant contract for house rules
  • Cash flow. Need to know the profit per year and per door
  • Unit profile. Need to know the square foot, when it was made, and how many it has changed hands
  • Debt on the deal. If it is still being paid in the bank and how much interest it is on.
  • Repair cost. This is for carpets, paint, fence, layout
  • Property manager. It can also be a broker who will take care of the property
  • Location. Crime rates, what stores are around, businesses and schools, if there are street lights
  • Banks loan rates, what is the last trade price

Why is my hard disk empty? Working on Microsoft SQL Server project

Recently I have download Microsoft SQL Server for a small interesting project I was working. Then all of a sudden, my hard disk space became 0 in my Drive C.

Puzzled for a few days a encountered a blog post that featured a nifty little software that I will now keep in my software belt.

It shows you the disk size of each folder in your pc. Quite a good find. The name of the software is TreeSize Free version.

For the culprit, the folder is located at :

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Log\Polybase\dump

When I looked at the folder, it came to 91gb.

So just in case you are working on a project in Microsoft SQL Server, be sure that the hard disk space will be close to zero, unless you can clean the dump folder.

Hope it helps

Stay safe guys

Coffee Cup

Delphi 6 – Get Date From and Date To With Number of Days

So far I have recreated this code far more in the 16 years that I have been using Delphi. Just wanted to log it here so that when I need it again, it will be here.

Hope it can also help other people


Coffee Cup

procedure TfrmPassword.BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject);
vWeekDay : String;
//get the first and last day
if (ALMONTH.VALUE <= 11) then
ALFROM.VALUE := StrToDate( ALMONTH.Text + ‘/01/’ + ALYEAR.Text );
ALTO.VALUE := StrToDate( IntToStr(ALMONTH.VALUE + 1) + ‘/01/’ + ALYEAR.Text ) – 1;
ALFROM.VALUE := StrToDate( ’12/01/’ + ALYEAR.Text );
ALTO.VALUE := StrToDate( ’01/01/’ + inttostr(ALYEAR.Value + 1) ) – 1;
//loop the number of days
ALTOTAL.Value := 0;
while (ALDATE.Value <= ALTO.Value) do
vWeekDay := LongDayNames[DayOfWeek(ALDATE.Value)]; if (vWeekDay = 'Sunday') then ALSUN.VALUE := ALSUN.VALUE + 1 else ALTOTAL.Value := ALTOTAL.Value + 1; ALDATE.Value := ALDATE.Value + 1;

Acer Aspire 3 – Microphone not working

Hi guys, well, that’s not the whole story. Actually while using zoom I disabled the microphone by mistake.

So far after that day, I wasn’t able to use the microphone on my laptop.

Then at last I found a way to fix it. Actually another software that I was using gave me the idea on how.

Hope it helps

Coffee Cup

Error 432. Setup has detected that unInstallShield is in use. Please close unInstallShield and restart setup.

Recently I purchased a new laptop and had tried to install a lot of my legacy software. One of them suddenly popped out a message saying ”
Error 432. Setup has detected that unInstallShield is in use. Please close unInstallShield and restart setup.

  1. You need to be logged in as the computer’s Administrator.
  2. Delete an instance of the file IsUninst.exe from the C:\Windows directory. If the file cannot be deleted, you need to reboot the machine and try again.

I have included a picture to show where the file is located

Hope this helps.

Coffee Cup